What You Focus on Will Expand; What You Measure will Grow; and What You Recognize and Reward will Flourish

Episode: What You Focus on Will Expand; What You Measure will Grow; and What You Recognize and Reward will Flourish

This is episode #189 of EGN Leadership Conversations: The untold Secrets of the C-Suite by Nick Jonsson and we are pleased to have with us Morten Toft , Owner - Mortentoft.com, sharing his insight on the what you focus on will expand; what you measure will grow; and what you recognize and reward will flourish,

In this episode, Morten shares his insights on discover the keys to personal and professional growth, and learn how to harness the power of your attention, measurement, and recognition for a flourishing life. Don't miss this transformative conversation!

Contact Morten to collaborate with him:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/morten-toft-4917371/
Email: mt@mortentoft.com 
Website: www.mortentoft.com

Visit our website to find more podcast https://egnpeernetwork.com/podcasts/
LinkedIn: EGN Singapore (Executives' Global Network)

What You Focus on Will Expand; What You Measure will Grow; and What You Recognize and
Morten Toft

Building a Global Strategy


The Evolution of Communication