Talent Workforce of the Future: Using Assessment to Ensure Your Business Thrives Sustainably

Episode: Talent Workforce of the Future: Using Assessment to Ensure Your Business Thrives Sustainably

This is episode #114 of EGN Leadership Conversations: The untold Secrets of the C-Suite by Nick Jonsson and we are pleased to have with us Caleb Baker, President - Sova Assessment Asia Pacific. Caleb is talking to us about the talent workforce of the future: Using assessment to ensure your business thrives sustainably. Contact Caleb to collaborate with him: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/calbaker/ Email: caleb.baker@sovaassessment.com Sova Assessment's website: https://sovaassessment.com/changing-assessment-for-good Visit our website to find more podcast https://egnpeernetwork.com/podcasts/ LinkedIn: EGN Singapore (Executives' Global Network)

Talent Workforce of the Future: Using Assessment to Ensure Your Business Thrives Sustainably
Caleb Baker

The Future CFO


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